One patient can pass through several departments, requiring the attention of numerous specialists and equipment, sometimes all in just one day. Similarly, every member of staff has his or her own field of specialization, preferences and capabilities. Effective healthcare planning depends on your organization’s ability to take all of these variables into account.
Our Optimizer suite of solutions enable your organization to optimize the utilization of all resources. You’re able to handle strategic, tactical, and operational planning throughout the organization using one integrated platform. You define your service-delivery and customer-satisfaction targets; Optimizer gives you the tools and the feedback you need to plan according to those targets.
Our Solutions
Nurses, Clinicians, Ancillary or Allied Health.
Predict patient workload, automate workforce scheduling and provide real-time insights into workforce analytics.
Treatment Units
Operating Theatre, Day Surgery or Cath Lab.
Optimize your procedure scheduling and track the patient workflow in real-time, keeping everyone on the same page.
Home Care
Delivering Care at Home.
Optimize route planning to minimize staff travelling times and the risk of delays.